
Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL)

Used for thousands of years as a digestive aid, DGL promotes healing in the digestive tract by boosting the production of mucus in the gastrointestinal lining. This creates a protective layer that shields cells from external toxins and the body’s own digestive acids and enzymes. Additionally, it provides a smooth surface for stools to pass easily and comfortably.


Star Anise

Star anise boasts powerful properties that can enhance digestion by stimulating the digestive tract and promoting the release of bile, the body’s natural laxative. Low bile levels are often linked to constipation, while bile acid helps soften stools, ensuring they move swiftly through the colon.



Quercetin enhances the expression of “tight junctions,” fortifying the gut lining. A robust gut lining is vital for nutrient absorption and preventing bacteria and toxins from leaking into the bloodstream.



A fundamental ingredient for gut health, berberine is a remarkable plant extract used in Eastern medicine since approximately 650 B.C. It promotes the growth of beneficial flora that provide their own health benefits. Berberine also supports normal blood sugar and cholesterol levels and aids in weight loss by activating the AMPk pathway, often referred to as the metabolic master switch.


Chicory Root Inulin

An exceptional ingredient for digestive health, chicory root inulin nourishes beneficial gut bacteria, which release molecules that enhance digestion, prevent occasional constipation, and facilitate the movement of food through the digestive tract when you’re feeling sluggish.



Resveratrol plays a crucial role in enhancing the bioavailability of berberine, unlocking its full potential, while also offering a range of powerful benefits. Research indicates that resveratrol increases levels of friendly bacteria, including lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. It also activates genes that help maintain tight junctions between intestinal cells, supporting a strong gut lining.